Kadir Has University Undergraduate Architectural Design Studio 1 & 2
with Aslihan Demirtas
Self -oneself -myself -selfish -select -fish
-water -earth -weed -oxygen -methane
-concrete -wood -cloud -light
Self, a being is part of a whole thing, rather than an individual isolated from environment. It is a part of nature-environment that exists because of them and for them. It is the celebration of the self, as well as the earth, the planet Earth, together with its systematic in the planetary space.
Self in nature and nature in self creates an atmosphere together with the materiality of the environment. What is an atmosphere and how it can be defined, generated, captured? In an island ecology, how can we refer to an atmosphere that is specific to the place, the location, apart from a city ecology, which will praise awareness of the self and its environment altogether?
What is the place where ‘self’ becomes “one” with the environment, what is the atmosphere that generates it?
As your first step into our Burgazada Project we would like you to think, develop and design atmospheric spaces. Atmospheric spaces are chambers or planes–or any other spatial format you may propose, which are dedicated to an element of the earth and its experience. Experience is sensual, ie: it involves our senses such as seeing, touching, hearing, smelling and etc. Please look at these description of senses here, including the non-traditional senses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sense
In these spaces the inhabitant will be experiencing one element. An earth room, a hot room, a water room etc.
You are to come up with:
An illustrated list of 10 atmospheric spaces
A model, a section a plan of the 4 individual specific atmospheric spaces in 1/20 scale
Some things to decide: (there are more but these are to get you in the mood!)
Are these spaces will be used individually or together (than how many people?)
Their dimensions?
Their material?
The experience?