Kadir Has University Undergraduate Architecture Digital Design Studio
Digital design can be described as series of methods that define relationships between boundaries, vectors and elds. Boundary conditions are envelopes of inter-scalar entities, whereas they are under
constant effect of vectors. Vectors are changeable entities, bounded to various internal and external effects. These are forming fields of vectors as a meta-pattern. The relationships, in fact, are
described as patterns of fractals that are acting in various scales as using the same but variable set of rules.
“Neither a fine art nor a science, architecture has only recently begun to realize its true potential, mainly through a hermeneutic approach that can engage the intricacies of its historical reality. Yet teaching
and practice continue to be polarized between those two false alternatives: ne art and applied science. The introduction of computers into architecture during the last two decades has helped reduce
architectural discourse to issues of instrumentality. The most popular discussions presume the importance of this so-called paradigm shift and focus on the potential and limitations of this instrument,
aiding the perpetuation of the dichotomy.”
(Alberto Perez-Gomez, 2008)
The aim of the course is to have students grasp the boundary, vector and eld relationships as a design strategy and recreate and implicate these techniques in the prospective stages of their architectural
projects. Students will be involved in system-based design principles by grasping these systems as geometric entities.
On the other hand, computer skills, like rule based modelling is another key objective for students to be gained. NURBS modelling software ‘Rhinoceros’ will be taught alongside the skills they will earn with
basic handmade models. As in the process, the learning factor is based on both the eye hand coordination and the application of this method into computerized approaches.
Students who succeed in this course:
-Will be able to think in parametrical solutions
-Will grasp the system of boundaries, vectors and elds in geometrical systems
-Will gain ability in descriptive geometry
-Will learn to coordinate between the digital and physical models
-Will gain attention in simulation techniques as a design tool
-Will understand the fractal relationships of multi scalar entities that will help them to relate between the urban and architectural scale
Course is organized to work in between physical and digital models, in order to learn with basic eye hand coordination and implicate this to have deeper learning in digital software environment. Course is
organized in stages of components, surfaces, platonic solids, and patterns. The basic component will be generated using the given techniques like folding or animating curve. This will lead to create set of
variables and have a catalogue of components in order to apply for surface design. Surfaces will be deformed using external forces and then will be applied to platonic solids in changing alternatives. As
more platonic solids come together they form patterns of changing components, which has the properties of the meta pattern alongside the smaller scale variations of that. The integrity starts from the very
component to the meta pattern and can be followed through the process using variations.